Kursa 2021 – Provizoriskais plāns

Rietumkrasta latviešu izglītības centra valde ir vairākkārt satikusies pārrunāt iespējamību noturēt 2021. gada bērnu nometnes un vasaras vidusskolu Kursu. Ar prieku ziņojam, ka tentatīvi plānojam Kursu noturēt no 11. jūlijam līdz 7. augustam, pēc Mežotnes bērnu nometnes.

Lūdzam izlasīt sekojošo COVID-19 planu un izpildīt vecāku/skolēnu/darbinieku aptauju par Jūsu interese piedalīties. (Plāns un aptauja pašlaik ir pieejami tikai angļu valodā. Lūdzam dot ziņu, ja Jums ir nepieciešams tulkojums latviešu valodā!)


Our goal is to have a fun and engaging summer at Kursa, while creating a safe camp experience for all participants. As the COVID-19 situation is continuously changing, we will continue to monitor guidelines and recommendations and modify our plan as needed. Dr. Alex Mohseni will be available to provide on-site and/or virtual medical support during Kursa. Our current plan includes the following elements:

  • All participating adults must have received a COVID-19 final immunization (#2 in case of Pfizer or Moderna, #1 in case of J&J) no later than 14 days before the first day of Kursa. Proof of immunization will be required. 

  • All participants (adults and students) must submit proof of negative COVID-19 test (antigen or molecular [not antibody]) administered within 72 hours prior to arrival at Kursa. 

  • Anyone traveling by plane or other mass transit to camp must wear a well-fitted N95, KN95 or similar respirator mask while in transit (a regular cloth mask is not sufficient). This is to help reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 and/or other infections in route. Given that: 1) any respiratory illness (and certain other symptom classes) will be suspected of being possible COVID-19, 2) real-time testing is both difficult to coordinate and has limited reliability, and 3) the limited ability of Kursa to manage any sick camper, we anticipate that any camper with symptoms of possible COVID-19 will be asked to be picked up by parents and removed from camp within 72 hours. Therefore, it behooves prospective campers and participants to take extra precautions in the two weeks prior to camp in avoiding contracting an infection. 

  • We will have a structured camper drop-off workflow to limit the exposure of camp participants to parents and others who are dropping off campers. More details to come. 

During camp
  • A parent or other responsible adult party designated by the parent must be able to pick up a camper within 72 hours of notice in the case of illness.

  • Everyone must wear a mask. As we get closer to camp opening and CDC guidelines are updated for mask wearing, especially for immunized people, there may be exceptions. We will track local, state and federal recommendations closely and we will have more details on mask-wearing rules as camp approaches. 

  • Everyone must observe camp sanitation requirements.

  • No visitors will be allowed, and once on site, participants may not leave and return. (No Walmart trips). Any participant who leaves camp without permission will be expelled and forfeit his/her camp tuition. 

  • Everyone must participate in daily symptom and temperature checks, and, when necessary, additional COVID-19 testing. 

  • Windows in the dorms will be required to remain open at all times.

Pateicamies par Jūsu atbalstu pandēmijas laikā un ļoti ceram ar Jums tikties šovasar!

Kursa 2021 – Provisional plan

The West Coast Latvian Education Center board has been working to determine possibilities for this summer’s programming. We are excited to announce that we are tentatively planning to hold Kursa from July 11 to August 7, following Mežotne children’s camp.

We invite you to read our current COVID-19 mitigation plan (subject to updates), and submit your answers to our parent/student/staff survey about your interest in participating


Our goal is to have a fun and engaging summer at Kursa, while creating a safe camp experience for all participants. As the COVID-19 situation is continuously changing, we will continue to monitor guidelines and recommendations and modify our plan as needed. Our current plan includes the following elements:

  • All participating adults must have received a COVID-19 final immunization (#2 in case of Pfizer or Moderna, #1 in case of J&J) no later than 14 days before the first day of Kursa. Proof of immunization will be required. 

  • All participants (adults and students) must submit proof of negative COVID-19 test (antigen or molecular [not antibody]) administered within 72 hours prior to arrival at Kursa. 

  • Anyone traveling by plane or other mass transit to camp must wear a well-fitted N95, KN95 or similar respirator mask while in transit (a regular cloth mask is not sufficient). This is to help reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 and/or other infections in route. Given that: 1) any respiratory illness (and certain other symptom classes) will be suspected of being possible COVID-19, 2) real-time testing is both difficult to coordinate and has limited reliability, and 3) the limited ability of Kursa to manage any sick camper, we anticipate that any camper with symptoms of possible COVID-19 will be asked to be picked up by parents and removed from camp within 72 hours. Therefore, it behooves prospective campers and participants to take extra precautions in the two weeks prior to camp in avoiding contracting an infection. 

  • We will have a structured camper drop-off workflow to limit the exposure of camp participants to parents and others who are dropping off campers. More details to come. 

During camp
  • A parent or other responsible adult party designated by the parent must be able to pick up a camper within 72 hours of notice in the case of illness.

  • Everyone must wear a mask. As we get closer to camp opening and CDC guidelines are updated for mask wearing, especially for immunized people, there may be exceptions. We will track local, state and federal recommendations closely and we will have more details on mask-wearing rules as camp approaches. 

  • Everyone must observe camp sanitation requirements.

  • No visitors will be allowed, and once on site, participants may not leave and return. (No Walmart trips). Any participant who leaves camp without permission will be expelled and forfeit his/her camp tuition. 

  • Everyone must participate in daily symptom and temperature checks, and, when necessary, additional COVID-19 testing. 

  • Windows in the dorms will be required to remain open at all times.

WCLEC is thankful for our community of supporters, and we hope to see you at Kursa this summer!